Consulting Services For Adding Profits and Value
Stadium Consulting
Team Management From a Coach’s Perspective
Fan Plans for Increasing Support, Attendance, and Revenues
Our Chargers' Stadium Possibilities
Dennis Green Sports Marketing announces a new
era of sports consulting services. For managing, motivating, and
marketing to increase both top line revenues and bottom line profits.
A personal note from Dennis Green
There are many constituents/share holders/stakeholders related to
every team, be the team a professional sports team, a corporation, or
a division within. Wherever people need to work together to achieve a
common goal, Dennis Green Sports Marketing can assist. We can provide
consulting to you or, in alliance and partnership with you, to your
teams and or clients, with the ultimate goals being to generate,
sustain, and increase interest, profits, and internal harmony.
What follows is about professional sports teams, all of which can be
translated to non-sports corporations and organizations. In terms of
professional sports and corporations related to them, every team
today faces a dilemma: at the same time the "unreconstructed
football fan is making a comeback," to use Sam Walker's phrase, The
sports market for teams of these fans is "looking soggy," to quote
Timesman John Solomon, April 21, 2002.
New strategies and old wisdom are needed for teams to survive the
current and future market context. How does a team maintain growth
and increase its profits at a time when the industry has matured
despite being in a growth market? How can revenues be generated,
including through new or renovated stadiums? Dennis Green Sports
Marketing provides strategies and methods for positively and
profitably answering such questions.
Consulting can be done in one on one sessions, in group sessions, as
well as in seminars and workshops. How does a team survive in a
market risking over saturation in terms of choices in sports for fans
in terms of other teams, other sports, but also in terms of other
activities, such as video games of sports? CBS will be showing golf,
tennis, and horse racing. ABC will be showing skiing, college
basketball, and motocross. NBC will offer up professional bull
riding, women's pro basketball, and men's and women's gymnastics. Fox
will offer auto racing. Even with smaller audiences, the smaller fees
still allow the broadcasters a greater profit margin. A key to
success is keeping the fans glued to NFL football. Dennis Green
Sports Marketing also advises on key chemistry elements for the media
relationship of team with fans. Often treated as a commodity, teams
need to show the hometown fan it is a community team serving the
community, and have presentations at games and in the media
reflective of this.
Sports Illustrated has pointed out that fans need their teams all the
more in troubled times, be the trouble economic downturns or
terrorist attacks. Sports offer people the one universally shared
experience in today's society they can all talk about without
interference from politically correct agendas.
Each team needs to hone its skills at retaining and increasing the
allegiance of sports fans, an opportunity that comes to them on any
given Sunday. With 32 teams, winning counts, but also how one loses
if loss is the answer at the close of any given Sunday. That can
often determine the continuing or dropping of fan loyalty and
support. Professional sports offers encouragement that each
individual takes away from the fact that any team can come back from
behind and win.
In 2010, 234 countries and territories, with 34 languages, had NFL programming (there are currently 192 countries in the UN). On any given Sunday, over 100 million Americans go to church, while over 200 million watch the NFL. Of the top 45 television programs of all time in terms of number of viewers, 20 were Super Bowls, one the 1981 NFC playoff. The Super Bowl is the top at-home party event each year, and is the second largest day of food consumption, second only to Thanksgiving. It is projected that the 2011 Super Bowl will bring $300-$400 million in economic benefit to the host city.
No team wants to dilute the opportunities of fans to see their warriors in battle. The relationship of players and teams in the media begins on the field and continues 24/7 off the field between each engagement on the field. How teams and players relate to the media can determine the loyalty and spending of the fans. Behind the scenes, much goes on that needs to be done effectively to maintain the fans loyalty and to keep all of the various constituencies/stakeholders happy (Fans, Sponsors, Advertisers, the media of broadcast, cable, TV, radio, print, team members, etc.). Media relations are key. Every fan of every sport yearns to have a positive experience from the call "take me out to the ball game," be it at the stadium or on TV or in fan magazines. Dennis Green Sports Marketing can help your team answer that call in the best possible way. Let's talk.
Sincerely yours,
Dennis Green
February 2007
Living on the High Road: Expectation and Commitment at home, on the field, and in the community, done so with desire, dedication, and determination.